EPISODE FIVE: The Impact of COVID-19 on Performers
With Joy Dolo Anfinson, Bradley Greenwald and Eric Sharp, with moderation by Wendy Knox
January 13 at 7pm on Facebook Live
Archives: Events
Frankly Speaking: What’s Up With That? Episode Four
EPISODE FOUR: White Supremacy in Philanthropy
With Aamera Siddiqui, Valerie Oliveiro, and Walken Schweigert, with moderator Maria Asp
December 9 at 7pm on Facebook Live
Frankly Speaking: What’s Up With That? Episode Three
EPISODE THREE: Who’s In Your Audience?
With Nora Montanez Patterson, Pedro Bayon, and Theo Langason, moderated by Sandy Agustin
November 11 at 7pm on Facebook Live
Frankly Speaking: What’s Up With That? Episode Two

EPISODE TWO: But That Play is Set Over 100 Years Ago!
With Warren C. Bowles, Ivory Doublette and AJ Friday, and moderated by Signe Harriday
October 7 at 7pm on Facebook Live
Frankly Speaking: What’s Up With That? Episode One
Monthly Conversations on Facebook Live Beginning Sept. 9
Join us for a new series of live online discussions between theatre artists about the critical issues […]
THE CONVERT by Danai Gurira

A powerful play exploring British colonialism in southern Africa and the use of Christianity for cultural disruption.
Set in 1896 Rhodesia, a young girl whose father has passed away is to be traded, by her uncle, to an older man with ten wives in exchange for a number of goats. She escapes this forced marriage […]
ESCAPED ALONE and HERE WE GO by Caryl Churchill

Frank Theatre is thrilled to present two new short plays by Caryl Churchill, whose work Frank has presented many times in the company’s 30-year history. ESCAPED ALONE and HERE WE GO deliver an evening of theatre by perhaps the greatest living playwright.
Churchill’s sizzling work ESCAPED ALONE presents a 55-minute elliptical view of the apocalypse, fantasy intricately wired with politics. Four […]
Frank’s 30th Anniversary Party!

Come celebrate 30 years of Frank Theatre! The Jack Brass Band will be rocking Vieux Carré and we hope you’ll join us to sing Happy Birthday! A $12 cover gets you an evening of fun! Tickets available at the door only. Hope you can join us!

Set in a small town that is in a deep economic depression, the townspeople await the visit of Claire Zachanassian, who was driven out of town as a young girl years ago because she was pregnant. Now the wealthiest person in the world who has just married her 8th husband, she returns to a town that desperately hopes her millions will save them. She, however, has a different agenda, returning with the mission to buy justice: she will offer the town her fortune in exchange for the life of the man who not only spurned her but rigged the public trial against her.

A play in music written in 1937, THE CRADLE WILL ROCK by Marc Blitzstein is set in Steeltown, USA. Mr. Mister, the corporate magnate, has bought up (or paid off) every sector of the community: the church, the press, the university, the artists. A prostitute arrives in Steeltown, and is immediately picked up for soliciting. […]