This rarely produced “dark comedy,” set in a world sometime between 17th century England and 20th century America, confronts the concept of injustice and examines the question of how power changes people.
The reviews are in.
“By colloquializing the bard’s language and outfitting some of the characters in studded leather and safety pin earrings, director Wendy Knox anchored Shakespeare in the present without denying his past or hers.”
Twin Cities Reader
“In radical stylistic contrast to last year’s DESCRIPTION OF A PICTURE, EXPLOSION OF A MEMORY, Frank Theatre and director Wendy Knox have mounted what appears to be a conceptually straightforward and crisply intelligent interpretation of what may be Shakespeare’s most succinct argument for feminism, MEASURE FOR MEASURE. Resisting temptation to overemphasize this play’s central themes of clerical corruption and sexual excess, Knox pretty much lets the complex story unfold on its own. The result is an engaging and lucid classical production, charmingly enhanced by an eclectic costume design by Kathy Kohl.”
John Townsend, Lavender