
EPISODE SIX: The Behind-the Scenes Impact of COVID-19
With Sonya Berlovitz, Joe Stanley, Wu Chen Khoo and Merritt Rodriguez, and moderation by Wendy Knox
February 10 at 7pm on Facebook Live
Last month, Frankly Speaking’s episode focused on the impact of the pandemic on performers. But the performers are the tip of the iceberg that make a whole production happen. The designers and backstage personnel represent huge numbers of people who work in the industry, often unseen and underrecognized, who are also reeling from the impact of the pandemic on the live entertainment business.
This month, we’re talking with Sonya Berlovitz, Joe Stanley, Wu Chen Khoo and Merritt Rodriguez — professionals who have worked in nearly every theatre in town. They’ll share how they are using the practical skills they typically use to make live theatre help them survive the impact of the pandemic, and hear how they have been affected and how they are surviving this challenging time for the arts.
Arts and culture adds $804.2 billion to the nation’s gross domestic product (4.3%), 60 billion more than construction and 227 billion more than transportation and warehousing. Yet the entertainment industry, and live theatre in particular, has come to a standstill with the pandemic.
The public is invited to participate in a Q&A following the discussion on Facebook Live.
FRANKLY SPEAKING: What’s Up With That? will be on Facebook Live monthly with discussions between theatre artists about the critical issues facing the arts, culture, and society. Like Frank’s Facebook page and get notifications when we’re going live! FRANKLY SPEAKING episodes will be available after the live air date on Facebook, Vimeo, and the Frank Theatre website.
Part of Frank Theatre’s mission is to create work that “explores ideas and issues of social, political and/or cultural concern.” Although that mission cannot be accomplished on the stage during COVID, Frank Theatre believes in the importance of continuing to have conversations that question the world we live in. Taking the moniker from Frank’s regular newsletter, “FRANKLY SPEAKING: What’s Up With That?” invites the public to join in an exploration of the kinds of questions that drive and inform the work that Frank typically puts on stage.