Breaking news! John Catron named Best Actor in City Pages

Posted by Wendy Knox

BREAKING NEWS! John Catron’s performance in MISTERMAN helps City Pages name him BEST ACTOR in their Best of the Twin Cities issue!

“A one-person show is a challenging, frightening, and – at its best – rewarding experience for an actor. InMisterman, John Catron played Thomas, an outcast and loner in the Irish village of Inishfree. Enda Walsh’s script gives us a glimpse into the man’s life and obsessions, the latter involving numerous audiotapes scattered around the dusty and dirty warehouse he calls home. The character interacts with each of the tapes throughout the show, reliving a day he desperately wishes could go differently. On a set that filled the Southern’s massive space, Catron brought this Frank Theatre production to life, fully convincing us – if only for a moment – that this wasn’t a madman alone with his tapes, but a madman actually interacting with the voices that haunt his every waking moment.?

Best of the Twin Cities issue