A sassy British feminist, a passionate fighter pilot and a woman ready to pay for her justice all figure into Frank’s upcoming season!
In September, please join us for the area premiere of Alice Birch’s REVOLT. SHE SAID. REVOLT AGAIN. at Gremlin Theatre’s new space at 55o Vandalia in St. Paul, Sept. 29-Oct. 22, 2017. (Warning: the playwright has instructed “This play should not be well-behaved,”)
In January, we bring back a new staging of our Ivey award winning 2014 hit, George Brant’s GROUNDED, featuring Hope Cervantes, for a two week run at Intermedia Arts, 2822 S Lyndale in Minneapolis, Jan 18-28, 2018, followed by a tour of outstate Minnesota.
Our final show of the season will be Friedrich Durrenmatt’s THE VISIT in spring 2018, featuring Katherine Ferrand. We’re currently looking for a site in which to stage it, so dates and location are TBA.
More news will be coming soon! Check back often!